NCWSA Officer Elections 2020

Officer Elections at 2020 NCWSA Board Meeting

All four NCWSA officer positions were up for election at the 2020 NCWSA Board of Directors meeting held on January 24, 2020. Three of the four–Jeff, Christy, and Adam–were re-elected, and Kate Lambert was elected as the new NCWSA Treasurer. Chair and Vice Chair are elected to two year terms, and Treasurer and Secretary are elected to one year terms.

Thank you Robert Rhyne!

Special thanks to the outgoing NCWSA treasurer, Robert Rhyne, for all of the years of service he has contributed to the NCWSA Board of Directors as both a director and an officer.

Congratulations to the 2020 NCWSA Officers!

Chairperson – Jeff Surdej

NCWSA Elections 2020 - Chairperson - Jeff Surdej

Vice Chairperson – Christy Kingsmill

NCWSA Elections 2020 - Vice Chairperson - Christy Kingsmill

Treasurer – Kate Lambert

NCWSA Elections 2020 - Treasurer - Kate Lambert

Secretary – Adam Koehler

NCWSA Elections 2020 - Secretary - Adam Koehler

Adam Koehler

I am Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of California, Riverside and Bachelor's and Masters from Marquette University. I skied collegiately at Marquette and in 2009 I received the NCWSA Outstanding Leader Award. I was NCWSA Operations Committee Chair for 7 years, and the NCWSA Secretary for 8 years.