2018 Connelly Skis NCWSA Nationals - Group Shot


There are two ways to actively participate in collegiate skiing. First, if your school already has a team, you can join that team!  Otherwise, if your school doesn’t have a team you can start the team!

Starting a Team

Several schools have had teams in the past and just don’t currently have teams, so the path may already be known, you just have to inquire!  If a team hasn’t existed at your school, we can help you navigate through the logistical steps to getting a team started to participate in the National Collegiate Water Ski Association.

For information about starting or restarting a team, please email newteams@ncwsa.com.

Joining a Team

We have many active schools in the NCWSA, if you see your school or potential school on our teams page, just email membership@ncwsa.com with your contact information, the school you attend or plan on attending, and any questions.  Once we receive the email, the email will be handled by either a national or regional board member to help you gain the information about that team. If the inquiry cannot be handled at the national or regional level, we may forward your inquiry on to the executive board of the team at the University which you are inquiring about in addition to providing you with their email contact information.