Natalie Marcus: New NCWSA Writer

NCWSA’s Newest Writer: Meet Natalie Marcus

Hey skiers! I’m Natalie Marcus! I’m NCWSA’s newest writer and I am currently the Secretary of the Great Plains Conference. I ski for the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, home of the Ski-gles (skiing eagles).

My little brother and I at Connelly Skis 2017 NCWSA Nationals

This is my introduction article, so here is a little bit more about me! I was Secretary of the UWLAX team my sophomore year and I was the President for the past two years. I’m usually known as that one girl on LAX who can never talk because she always loses her voice at tournaments. I grew up on a very small lake in a very small town in Southeastern Wisconsin. I started waterskiing as soon as I learned how to walk, but sadly went through a pretty big tubing phase for most of my younger years (a true shame, I know). I started a show ski team when I was in high school and I have been a die-hard skier ever since. I knew what 3 event skiing was, but never really attempted it until my summer before freshman year of college. Fun fact: I only applied to schools that had water ski teams because I loved the ski community so much and I always wanted to be apart of it, no matter where I went. My favorite event is jump, but I also really love to trick. Shout-out to the LAX women’s trick team…2017 D2 nationals trick champs!

Besides skiing, I love coffee, writing, and listening to music. I pretty much have music playing 24/7 and I am usually the trusted DJ on the long drives to ski tournaments. I’m majoring in marketing and I’m also working towards a professional writing minor. After I graduate in the fall, I’d love to work in advertising or content creation. Someday I’d love to write a book and own my own business, both extremely challenging goals, but I’m always up for a challenge.

My favorite part of college so far has definitely been being apart of collegiate skiing and making friends all over the Midwest. Some of my greatest memories have been with ski people. Whether it was road tripping to nationals or doing homework on the roof of the ski house, I’ve been pretty blessed with being surrounded by some of the coolest people ever. I can easily say some of my very best friends are people that I’ve met on my team and other ski teams. I am really looking forward to future ski weddings!

Our amazing team Ski-gle costume!

My goals for my super senior year are to make a new friend on every team in my conference, write some awesome tournament recaps, rock b-team at UWLAX, and be the most supportive teammate as humanly possible. It has always been a dream of mine to be a hype woman, so I can’t wait to spread more Ski-gle spirit all season. Catch me rocking the home-made Ski-gle costume at every tournament.

I recently just skied for Team Midwest at All Stars! Although we came in second, it was still an amazing trip. It felt so good to finally get back on the water and to see all of my friends after a very long Midwest winter.

I am very excited to write articles for the NCWSA and inform all of you on all the amazing things that are going on in the collegiate ski community!

Natalie Marcus

Former President of the UW-La Crosse Waterski and Wakeboard team and soon to be alum! Team know the rest!