Dr. Strong loved his skiers like family. SkiBama alumnus agree Doc truly cared for us, his kindness and sincerity was unmatched. After 34 years coaching, we remember Doc’s legacy at UA.
Category: Team News
Every week we aim to release a digest of team news, announcements, or updates that have been sent directly to us from one of our many NCWSA teams! Our Team News Tuesday releases aim to help teams advertise about the great things they are accomplishing on and off the water. Check out our submission guide to submit your team news today!

#TeamNewsTuesday – Shape up with the SAC!
Sweat and Stretch with the SAC! Continue progressing your ski performance with focused workouts to keep you sharp on the water.

Florida Southern Wins HO Sports #MostFunWins Video Contest!
Nine entrants competed to win the HO Sports 2019 #MostFunWins Video Contest. With every video having its own standout moment, it was a tight race! With all the votes counted….

#TeamNewsTuesday | Buckeyes New & Old Hit the Water.
Buckeye skiers, friends, family, and mascot gathered to cheer and coach skiers of all ranges.

#TeamNewsTuesday | Indiana University Introduces Big Red.
The Indiana University Bloomington Waterski and Wakeboard Team is thrilled to announce the purchase of “Big Red”—a 2007 Red Moomba Outback! Teammates and alumni traveled down to Denny Marine in Albany, Kentucky on June 12th to check her out and immediately fell in love. After almost 2 years of cleaning boats, dine-and-donates, letter drives, and […]