A few weeks ago the NCWSA Eastern Region held a winter meeting and it held regional board elections. We are proud to have Glenn Barnes join us on the NCWSA Board of Directors as Eastern Region Vice Chair. Let’s get to know about the new Vice Chair of the Eastern Region.
Glenn Barnes
Who are you?
I am currently a senior Mechanical Engineering major at Clemson University. I am originally from North Augusta, South Carolina.
Why did you run for Eastern Vice Chair?
Glenn proving that he knows exactly how to use a kneeboard!
I have been the president of the water ski team at Clemson University as well as the team Captain and the South Atlantic Conference Director. Through all of these positions and my time in collegiate skiing, I figured I have built up enough of a knowledge base about the sport to have good ideas moving this sport forward.
What is one big future goal you hope to accomplish by taking on this board position?
One future goal I have is to get the Eastern Region to become more involved than it is currently with NCWSA. It has so much potential for growth and creating more leaders in the sport, we just need to figure out how to get the ball rolling on that.
Glenn started on this goal of helping the East to become a greater force within the NCWSA by attending Team Midwest’s Winter Conference this past weekend. Glenn wasn’t the only Eastern region skier in attendance either, Sam Greenwood (University of Alabama) and the West Virginia University Water Ski Team were also in attendance!
Clinical Assistant Professor at University of Illinois Chicago
I am Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of California, Riverside and Bachelor's and Masters from Marquette University. I skied collegiately at Marquette and in 2009 I received the NCWSA Outstanding Leader Award. I was NCWSA Operations Committee Chair for 7 years, and the NCWSA Secretary for 8 years.
I am Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of California, Riverside and Bachelor's and Masters from Marquette University. I skied collegiately at Marquette and in 2009 I received the NCWSA Outstanding Leader Award. I was NCWSA Operations Committee Chair for 7 years, and the NCWSA Secretary for 8 years.
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