This past weekend schools from the Southern and Atlantic Coastal Region came together at Alabama in Lymanland to kick off the fall ski season for 2019.
Category: Southern & Atlantic Coastal Region
The South & Atlantic Coastal Region supervises and oversees NCWSA teams and tournaments in CT, D.C., DE, MA, ME, MD, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV. AL, GA, KY, NC, SC, TN, and FL.
Marketing & Membership Monday: #$ponsored #Ad
Recruitment in 1.2.3! NCWSA is here to help your fall recruitment, and help #growthesport! We’re providing $$$ to give paid promotional support to your team.
SAC Region Announces 2019 All-Stars
The Southern & Atlantic Coastal Region had some last minute changes before releasing their final All-Stars roster. Thank you to everyone who has helped our skiers and region get everything together for the 2019 NCWSA All-Stars.
#TeamNewsTuesday Spring Break Adventures with the SAC & SCR!
We caught up with the South Central and Southern & Atlantic Coastal Regions to get a recap on their Spring Break adventures.
Ending the Spring Season with a Splash from the SAC
The Southern & Atlantic Coastal Region wrapped up their spring season with Clemson’s tournament at Lake Flumi. Check out the results from the weekend, new personal bests set, and some fun photos that shows the Southern & Atlantic Coastal Region at its finest!