Michigan State Fundraising for a Boat!

Every week we release team news, announcements, or updates that have been sent our way to help spread the amazing news from our teams across the nation! Did your team miss out this week? Check the submission guide and submit your news for next week! Michigan State University Fundraising for a Boat! The Michigan State University Spartan water skiers are […]

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Spring Break 2018!

Spring break with ski team was always the best week of my year.  The Illini Water Ski Team would pack up the cars on Friday night sometime between 4pm and 8pm (depending on who was playing a game of Jenga that they just couldn’t get out of), and drive through the night to Santa Rosa […]

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2018 Awards Co-Chair Introduction

Introducing Your New NCWSA Awards Co-Chairs: Savannah Leutz & Allie Steele

We had many great applications for our NCWSA Awards Committee chairperson position, and with various attendance requirements as well as several amazing ideas on the horizon from the former chair Jeff Rush, we found it most appropriate to appoint co-chairs to the awards committee. Let’s get to know a little more about the new NCWSA […]

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2018 St. Patrick's Day Article Banner

10 Reasons Why Collegiate Water Skiers are the Luckiest (and not just on St. Paddy’s Day)

St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow, and while searching for shamrocks, we found ten reasons collegiate skiers are very lucky all year round! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 10. Boats! We love them and every other student organization is green with envy!   9. The best ships are friendships, and NCWSA friendships are GOLDEN!   8. The […]

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Midwestern Region Vice Chair 2018 - David Huisman

Introducing Your New NCWSA Midwestern Region Vice Chair: David Huisman

At the 21st Team Midwest Winter Conference the region held their board elections. We are happy to introduce the newest member of the NCWSA Board of Directors and the new Midwestern Region Vice Chair, David Huisman; let’s get to know a little more about David. David Huisman Who are you? I am an alumnus of […]

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