Vote now for the most qualified candidates for NCWSA team of the year, outstanding leader of the year, and athlete of the year. Voting closes Nov. 28th.
Category: Athlete’s Advisory Council

Support Your Skier Signs at SMRR
Get ready for 3 spirit-filled days as collegiate athletes from around the U.S. converge at the San Marcos River Ranch in Texas. If you can’t make it in person, you can still show your support to our skiers on the water with a custom sign.

2019 NCWSA Leadership Send-Offs
With winter meetings wrapped up and April upon us, we want to take a moment and thank our departing leadership. We appreciate everything that each of these individuals has contributed to the NCWSA community over their multiple years on the NCWSA leadership team. We hope that each of these individuals continues to be part of […]

Call for NCWSA Volunteers
The NCWSA is seeking volunteers to help grow, advertise for, and govern one of the best water ski communities in the world! Check out the article for more information on how you can volunteer today!

Introducing Your 2018 NCWSA AAC Co-Chairs
The Athlete’s Advisory Council (AAC) is the NCWSA athlete’s representation on the NCWSA Board of Directors. Each year two co-chairs are elected. This year, Sam Greenwood has been reelected and returns to the Board of Directors for another year, and his co-chair for the year is newcomer Jared Lutz. Let’s get to know a little about […]
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