2025 IWWF World University Championships


  • Hosted by New Zealand Waterski Association at the Auckland Water Ski Club (AWSC).
  • Site: Orakei Basin in Auckland, New Zealand
  • February 26 – March 2, 2025

U.S. Delegation:

  • Team Manager: Matt Page
  • Team Coach: Sam Greenwood

The NCWSA holds jurisdiction to support and send the US delegation to the World University Championships, held at the Orakei Basin in Auckland, New Zealand from 26th February to 2nd March 2025.

The International Activities Committee has defined the selection criteria for eligible athletes.

A. Team Description: 

A six member team will be selected to compete at the 2025 University World Championships, February 26- March 2, 2025 in Auckland, NZ.

B. Eligibility: 

1. Eligibility for selection to the US team shall be: 

a.) U.S. citizen, with US Federation recognized status by USAWSWS and IWWF.

b.) Current member of USAWSWS, in good standing.  Between 17 & 28 years of age on January 1st the year of the event. For 2025, athletes must be born between 01/01/1996 and 01/01/2008.

c.) Listed on the NCWSA Individual Ranking list in ski year 2023 or 2024.

d.) Students who are currently officially registered proceeding towards a degree or diploma at a university or similar institute, whose status is recognized by the NCWSA.

e.) Former students of the institutions mentioned above who have obtained their academic degree or diploma in 2024.

f.) Incoming freshmen for the Fall 2024 semester will be eligible, provided they have joined their University’s water ski team, or initiated the process to form a team on their campus.

g.) A skier will need to declare his / her intent to be considered for selection to the NCWSA World University Team via Google Form, https://forms.gle/YZZYpEVPWXtNtph59 , overseen by the NCWSA IAC Committee Chairman, (jeff.rush@hotmail.com), by June 24, 2024.

Slalom, Trick, Jump: 

1. Athletes ranked in the top fifteen (15), of the NCWSA Individual ranking list, (US Federation only filter), in 2023 or 2024 will be eligible for team consideration.  Incoming Freshmen will need to show Class C, E, L or R scores greater than or equal to the top 15 cutoff in the previous 12 months, in order to be considered qualified.

2. A skier qualified in only one event may be considered for that event only.

3. A skier qualified in any two events may ski in the third event. 

Selection procedures 

1. The selection committee shall consist of the NCWSA IAC Committee and Team Staff, with a tie-breaking vote by the NCWSA IAC Committee Chairman. 

2. The NCWSA Selection Committee shall be responsible for tabulating the scores based on the following breakdown. Scoring shall be based on a 1,000-point system where, for each selection category, 1,000 points will be the highest base score possible for the skiers in each event. 

(Event Score * 1000 / top score of event) = Skier Selection Score

3.  The team will be selected using the following Event Score categories:

  • 10% Average scores from top 3 C, E, L, or R tournaments in 2023 Ski year.
  • 30% Average scores from top 3 C, E, L, or R tournaments in 2024 Ski Year, not including 2024 AWSA Regionals.
  • 30% Score from AWSA 2024 Regionals.
  • 30% Top Score from Any C, E, L, or R tournament in 2024, including AWSA Nationals, excluding Regionals.
  • At the athlete’s discretion, any NCWSA score from the same ski year may substitute for these scores.

4. Gender distribution of the named team shall be 4/2 or 3/3. 

Selection Order 

1. The top 3-Event Overall total score regardless of gender.

2. The top 3-Event Overall total score of the opposite gender of the 1st selection.

3. The next highest 3-Event Overall total score regardless of gender.

4. The highest 2-Event total score (ST, SJ, or TJ), regardless of gender.

5. The highest 2-Event total score (ST, SJ, or TJ) of the opposite gender from the 4th selection.

6. The highest Single Event (S, T or J) total score regardless of gender.

7. The selection committee shall designate up to 6 alternates to the US team. The method of selecting these alternates will be at the discretion of the selection committee and not based on any fixed formula.  Selected alternates will be given the opportunity of traveling with the team. However, it must be at their own expense unless they are called upon to compete, in which case they will be reimbursed for expenses beginning at the time they are officially called up.  

8. In the event an incoming Freshman is named to the University World Team, and does not participate in an NCWSA sanctioned event in the Fall of 2024, they forfeit their position on the team.  There is no process of petition to the NCWSA board, or Selection Committee for any reason.

9. All team members, at the discretion of the team staff, may ski in all 3 events at the World University Championship event, regardless of selection spot.

10. The US team selection for 2025 University Worlds and the alternates shall be designated as “University Team USA.” This shall be the team until the next formal selection of a team for the next University World Championship event.

11. Disclaimer: The committee may amend these procedures as necessary to accomplish the goals of NCWSA with 2/3rds affirmative vote of the full committee.
