Grand Valley State, Michigan, and Madison, win the 2014 NCWSA wildcard simulated tournament and will be heading to Nationals next week in Lousiana
Monroe, ASU win their respective regionals
ULM, and ASU locked in a spot to division 1 by winning their regional titles thsi past weekend South Central Regionals- Western Regionals-
Nationals Boat Draw Announced
Thursday 16th Octoberd1ws Centurion d2wj MasterCraft d1ms Malibu d2mj Nautique Friday 17th Octoberd2ms Centurion d1wj Malibu d2ws Nautique’ Saturday 18th Octoberd1mj MasterCraft (6.2)
Week 4 Rankings
1 Univ of Louisiana Monroe ULM SC 51870 2 Univ of LA Lafayette ULL SC 51835 3 University of Alabama ALA E SA 50795 4 Florida Southern College FSC E SO 49720 5 Rollins College ROL E SO 46775 6 Kansas University KAN M GP 43085 7 Michigan State Univ MST M GL […]
Alabama Wins Regionals
Alabama Wins Eastern Regionals Florida Southern, Rollins, Auburn, and Clemson join Alabama with bids to Nationals Results-