MCWSA Secretary, Treasurer, and Webmaster

Introducing the 2017 MCWSA Secretary, Treasurer, and Webmaster!

Back when life was easy and articles were flowing, I wrote an article that introduced Christy Kingsmill and Michael Testa as the Midwest Region’s 2017 Chair and Vice-Chair. Christy and Mike are amazing leaders who will strive to improve Team Midwest, but their work cannot be done without the help of a few more people on the executive […]

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Ohio State Waterski Team Upgrades to Newer Boat!

Every week we release a digest of team news, announcements, or updates that have been sent our way to help spread amazing news of our teams from across the nation! Did you and your team miss out this week? Check the submission guide and submit your news for next week! Ohio State Waterski Team Purchases Newer Team […]

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Happy Mother's Day!

A Tribute to Team Moms — Happy Mother’s Day!

Moms. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. This is especially true when it comes to the Team Moms in collegiate waterski. Across the NCWSA, there are a number of moms who go above and beyond what is asked of them just to support water ski. Some moms skied when they were in college […]

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2017 NCWSA All-Stars Post - Banner Size Design

Western Region Announces 2017 All-Stars

The Eastern, Midwestern, and South Central regions of the NCWSA have previously announced their All-Star Teams for the upcoming 2017 NCWSA All-Stars tournament at Bullneck Lake in Scott, Arkansas. The Western region just finished up their Spring season last weekend, and now we have an initial roster for the West as well, congratulations to all the skiers that […]

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NCWSA Women's Slalom Record Holder - Samantha Dumala

Checking in with NCWSA Record Holders: Samantha Dumala

Over the past month we have checked in with four of our seven NCWSA record holders (Lauren Morgan, Zack Worden, Will Asher, and Manon Costard) and they have reflected on their record setting performances, what they are up to now, and their collegiate skiing memories. Next up, Manon’s co-record holder Samantha Dumala! Samantha Dumala (Instagram) is one of […]

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