Jump Day!!! – 2017 NCWSA All-Stars Jump Running Orders

Jump day!!! View the amazing plops, leaps, flights, crashes, and splashes on the All-Stars webcast at ncwsa.com/webcast, or use the link in the menu. Don’t forget to vote in the Why We Fly contest, voting ends at 10am CDT ncwsa.com/whywefly. Here are the jump running orders for the day, men and women are intermixed at All-Stars so it will […]

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2017 NCWSA All-Stars Post - Banner Size Design

Cruising Through Events! Trick Running Orders

Check out the All-Stars webcast at ncwsa.com/webcast, or use the link in the menu, and the Why We Fly contest voting is live at ncwsa.com/whywefly. Here are the trick running orders, we are moving through the women’s trick event now and men’s will follow!

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2017 NCWSA All-Stars Post - Banner Size Design

2017 NCWSA All-Stars Slalom Running Orders

Good morning ladies and gentleman!  Check out the All-Stars webcast at ncwsa.com/webcast, or use the link in the menu, and the Why We Fly contest voting is live at ncwsa.com/whywefly. Here are your slalom event running orders, the scheduled start time is 7am CDT and the women are up first!     

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NCWSA Why We Fly 2017 Splash Image

NCWSA Why We Fly 2017 – Voting

The 2017 NCWSA All-Stars Webcast can be found at ncwsa.com/webcast. NCWSA Why We Fly 2017 contest details can be found in the original announcement. Voting The final voting tally will be a weighted sum between the audience, Ryan Dodd, Santiago Varas, Jeff Rush, and Igor Morozov. The audience can vote by liking a submission video […]

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Clemson University Water Ski Team 2017 Boat

Boats, Boats, Boats

In a nod to a Winter Conference breakout session about boat maintenance several years ago, I’ve stolen the title, “Boats, Boats, Boats.” Recently, we’ve seen an influx of articles on teams purchasing new or newer boats, or raising money to maintain their team boats. Many of you have questioned how these teams can afford to […]

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