Ladies and Gentleman, skiers and wakeboarders,
Welcome to the first annual NCWSA Committee awards. *Applause*
I am your host, and NCWSA Marketing Chairwoman. It’s awards season, and there have been so many great efforts to #GrowTheSport, I want to award them all. So I’ve made up my own categories, voted on the teams, and will present the awards. There was no process, I just thought this would be cool. The awards are very legitimate, and winners will receive certificates. These may be the most prestigious awards in all of National Collegiate Water Ski, USA Water Ski, and possibly the entire US Olympic Committee.
We’ve had quite the year in NCWSA. We’ve seen post engagement up, more stories, more videos, and more teams sharing their #lifeonthewater and #lifeofawaterskier. Across the nation, we are all the same breed of lake rat-ski bums who would rather risk our Mac getting splashed, than missing a morning of practice to study. The one thing everyone talks about with their team, no matter the region, is the team love. Everyone I’ve talked to loves their team so much, and most have a best friend on a competitive team. Our sport has this beautiful culture surrounding it where everyone is kind, welcoming, and tbh, super freaking weird. The stories I’ve heard….
Anyways, as I was saying, I’m so impressed with the innovation of the teams, pushing us as an association to adapt and grow as well. You, and your teams, are the ones that are growing USA WS membership, more than any other association. To honor and thank our teams, here are, the first annual Marketing Committee Awards. *Cue trumpets*
Best Use of New Tech: University of Arkansas (SRC)

Snapchat filter at tournament, lead to filters being used at both SCR regionals and NCWSA Nationals, sharing LOTW
Best Use of Non-Tech: University Of Alabama
Ski ‘Bama made a calendar with Spencer Shultz as a fundraiser and marketing tool, and inspired other schools to follow in their footsteps
Best Mockery of Non-Tech: Iowa State University
After Clemson posted their shots from a school photo shoot, Iowa State did a photo shoot of their own.
Best Viral T-Shirt: Miami University
The demand for these shirts just kept coming, as the team ended up taking 3 seperate orders for a total of 75 shirts sold across the nation. Each shirt made $5 for the team, which is incredible for such a simple fundraiser!
Best Viral Non-Tshirt: Old Balls University
@i_hate_nickdv, a meme account for the Old Balls of Michigan schools, has designed and sold “I Don’t Love Trick Skiing” mugs, with proceeds going to the Midwest team that “had the most likes to this instagram post”. All mugs were shipped with love and care, and included a throwback photo of the one and only, Nick DeVries
Best Branding/Signature Look: Texas A&M
The Aggies wore their maroon cowboy hats from the moment they left College Station, all through the weekend at Bennetts for 2017 Nationals. Y’all crazy.
Best Branding/Signature Move: Clemson University
…No words needed. Full video here
Best New Rule: San Diego State University/Rollins College
Measuring in Langs is the new measurement for jump distances, with 5 feet being equivalent to 1 Lang (or 1 Erika, depending on your country of origin). This will be implemented for all 2018 tournaments
Best New Team: Lander University
This new team may be young, but they are killer on the jump. get it? because they’re all LANDERS!*
*I actually have no idea on how good they actually jump
Best Recruitment: University of Louisiana-Monroe
Coach Joey McNamara uses his social media skills to try to bring in as many skiers as he can to fill his elite roster
Best NCWSA Webpage: Michigan State University
One of the first few teams to start their page, MSU keeps it fresh with their #LifeOnTheWater video at the top of the page, and recent team records at the bottom. Want to set up your own? Check out the NCWSA hosted Team Page Guide
Best #CrashingIntoMonday: University of Wisconson-Milwaukee
@ShannonHowerton “loves” jump so much, she finds herself kissing the ramp on takeoff
Best Viral Video: Ohio State University/University of Cincinnatti
Filmed by UC Skinior @Big.Schmidt, Ohio State skier didn’t hear the cries of “It’s Shallow!” on his way back in from a National’s slalom set. See full video here.
Congratulations to all the winners, and I hope to see fresh ideas in 2018!
Winners, please enter contact information here to receive your certificate!
- 2025 NCWSA Committee Chairs – Call for Applications - February 12, 2025
- NCWSA announces Stars & Stripes teams to represent USA at the 2025 IWWF World University Waterski Championships - December 31, 2024
- Congratulations to the 2024 winners of the NCWSA Annual Awards - November 28, 2024
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