Camp Twin Creeks is hiring waterski counselors in West Virginia.
Category: Southern & Atlantic Coastal Region
The South & Atlantic Coastal Region supervises and oversees NCWSA teams and tournaments in CT, D.C., DE, MA, ME, MD, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV. AL, GA, KY, NC, SC, TN, and FL.
Social DistanSKI | NCWSA Spring Video Contest
Recreate the best parts of collegiate tournament skiing *from home* for the chance to win prizes from Compete and Masterline USA.
2019 NCWSA Leadership Send-Offs
With winter meetings wrapped up and April upon us, we want to take a moment and thank our departing leadership. We appreciate everything that each of these individuals has contributed to the NCWSA community over their multiple years on the NCWSA leadership team. We hope that each of these individuals continues to be part of […]
#TeamNewsTuesday – Shape up with the SAC!
Sweat and Stretch with the SAC! Continue progressing your ski performance with focused workouts to keep you sharp on the water.
NCWSA Hall of Fame: Class of 2020
The NCWSA Hall of Fame is proud to announce its third class of inductees, the Class of 2020! Congratulations to Phil Chase, Jimmy Siemers, Carole Walker, and Ed Walker (posthumously) on being selected as the induction class of 2020 for the NCWSA Hall of Fame. The induction ceremony for the Class of 2020 will coincide […]