Skier Showcase: Great Plains Conference Executive Board – Meet the Money Man

If there is one elected official we can all agree will do a killer job, it is Benjamin T. Bye of Iowa State University! Benny, as he is affectionately called by the ski fam, is originally from the Twin Cities area in Minnesota. He is currently studying Industrial Engineering with the hope of opening his […]

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Team Recruitment: Tips and Tricks from Midwestern Region Alumni

Many teams struggle with recruitment – especially those where the weather is cold for 6+ months of each year.  I’ve talked to some alumni that have been through this experience.  Here is some advice!   Austin Voss, Missouri State University (Graduated 2010) “I would advise treating summer tournaments like the fall. Go as a team, […]

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Skier Showcase: Great Plains Conference Executive Board – Meet the Veep

You’ve met the Chair, now it is time to meet the Veep! Nikki Weber, unfortunately nicknamed “Nachy” in the ski world, is a skier for Missouri State University. Nikki is studying Human Resource Management, but isn’t quite ready to grow up and take on the real world yet (let’s be honest, who is?). Originally from Lake […]

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Team Midwest 2016 Nationals

Experiences & Lessons of a First Year Collegiate Skier

A joint passion Throughout my life, my skiing partners have been my family. Specifically, my dad has played a significant role in my life as a mentor, and activities which I am passionate about directly originate from my time with him and his hobbies. Growing up, my passion for water skiing was built from watching […]

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Skier Showcase: Great Plains Conference Executive Board – Meet the Prez

Meet Catherine Bartzen (a.k.a Catheter), the newly elected chair person of the Great Plains Conference in the Midwest Region. Catherine is originally from Madison, Wisconsin, but found her way to the Golden Eagles of Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI! She is currently studying Elementary Education and Political Science in the hopes of one day becoming a […]

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