We caught up with the South Central and Southern & Atlantic Coastal Regions to get a recap on their Spring Break adventures.
Category: Team News
Every week we aim to release a digest of team news, announcements, or updates that have been sent directly to us from one of our many NCWSA teams! Our Team News Tuesday releases aim to help teams advertise about the great things they are accomplishing on and off the water. Check out our submission guide to submit your team news today!

#TeamNewsTuesday Spring Break Adventures: Western & Midwestern Regions
Every spring students are given the opportunity to take a break from their school responsibilities. Many collegiate skiers take this chance to either improve their skiing, or go on team vacations. Ski School Even though waterskiers have a break from class, they can still decide to go to school. These teams decided to travel south […]

Marquette Hosts Successful Fundraiser for Parents, Alumni, and Friends
On Saturday March 30th the Marquette Water Ski Team hosted their annual fundraiser for parents, alumni, and friends. The team is very grateful to all of the team members, friends, family, and alumni that attended! We loved sharing a day dedicated to our team, full of joy and laughter, and of course water ski themed […]

Snow Does Not Stop the Fun at 2019 Midwest Winter Conference
On the weekend of February 23-24, 2019 the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and University of Wisconsin – La Crosse co-hosted the 2019 Midwest Winter Conference. Twenty teams of skiers spent a few days socializing, learning from the pros, and voting on rule changes at the annual captains meeting. The Great Wolf Lodge was selected […]

Out with the Old, In with the New – Clemson’s Spring Cleaning
Article written by Ashley Stevens & Kate Sullivan. The Clemson ski team has come upon their annual event of selling their 2-year old boat. Even though it is Orange, they know there is another skier out there that will love this boat just as much as this team has over the past two years. They […]