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Category: Marketing and Membership

Spring Season for the Home Team
Our mental and physical health is imperative for a long life on the water. We’ve compiled the many ways you can stay active and engaged from home!

Social DistanSKI | NCWSA Spring Video Contest
Recreate the best parts of collegiate tournament skiing *from home* for the chance to win prizes from Compete and Masterline USA.

2019 NCWSA Leadership Send-Offs
With winter meetings wrapped up and April upon us, we want to take a moment and thank our departing leadership. We appreciate everything that each of these individuals has contributed to the NCWSA community over their multiple years on the NCWSA leadership team. We hope that each of these individuals continues to be part of […]

2020 NCWSA Committee Chairs – Call for Applications
The NCWSA is seeking applications from individuals interested in filling any of the four open committee chair positions. All 2019 committee chair appointments must apply alongside new applicants before the March 17th deadline. Each committee chair is appointed to a one year term by the NCWSA National Chairperson. Each committee chair leads a committee (described […]