Ladies and Gentleman, skiers and wakeboarders, Welcome to the first annual NCWSA Committee awards. *Applause* I am your host, and NCWSA Marketing Chairwoman. It’s awards season, and there have been so many great efforts to #GrowTheSport, I want to award them all. So I’ve made up my own categories, voted on the teams, and will […]
Category: Marketing and Membership

Introducing Your NCWSA Membership Chairperson: Amber Aho
We are delighted to announce Amber Aho as the new Membership Chairperson for the NCWSA Membership & Marketing Committee! Before we get to know Amber a bit more, we would like to thank Erin Slater for all the work she has done for the NCWSA over the years, and wish her the best of luck as […]
Committee Chair Opening: Membership Chairperson
The NCWSA is taking applications for an immediate opening to fill the Membership Chairperson position. Seeking: An individual willing to take charge of the role and make it their own, and utilize the resources/personnel available to them as a committee chair. Primary duties: Grow the sport by helping teams increase membership, and by adding new teams to […]

Marketing with Molly: Hog Wild about Snapchat
Marketing Thursday with Molly? Not the greatest ring to it, but we can let it slide for the week to get you this amazing snapchat usage. This past weekend University of Arkansas hosted their first tournament, which we read about yesterday. What we didn’t read about, was how Madison Hayden, University of Arkansas team president, […]

Marketing Mondays With Molly: For the Love of Water Ski
These past few weeks, I’ve been berated on social media with hundreds of ‘grams, tweets, Snapchats, and Facebook posts from tournaments and teams across the nation. I see all these collegiates having a blast, loving life, and doing an amazing job skiing. I loved getting to experience all these weekends through you all on social […]
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