Honorary National Directors

What is an Honorary National Director?

The Honorary National Director (HND) title is one of reverence granted for life through an election by the NCWSA Board of Directors based on the requirements outlined in the NCWSA Bylaws. Most often, the individuals elected to this position have provided significant contributions to the NCWSA at both National and Regional levels, and he or she will continue to provide contributions as an Honorary National Director.

The HND position can be held by multiple individuals and the position allows each individual to have a continued voice to contribute to board discussions, provide opinions, or provide guidance when the HND deems it necessary or appropriate. Although their regional affiliation is listed below, national directors do not represent a region. The regional affiliation simply represents which region the individual was most closely tied to during his or her various board tenures prior to receiving HND.

Honorary National Directors

Elmer Stailing †SAC/East1988
Barbara Stailing †SAC/East1988
Stan Coppock †SCR
Ed Walker †SAC/East1996
Carole WalkerSAC/East1999
Scott SnapeSAC/East1999
Dr. Bob King †SAC/East2004
Phil ChaseSCR2004
Troy HamiltonSAC/East2004
Bill SchniderwindWest2004
Chris KodiakMW
Camille TylerSCR2016
Harley WallaceWest2016
Gordon HallSCR2017
Robert RhyneSAC/East2020
Jeff SurdejMW2022
Jeff RushWest2024
Christy KingsmillMW2025