Every week we release a digest of team news, announcements, or updates that have been sent our way to help spread amazing news of our teams from across the nation! Did you and your team miss out this week? Check the submission guide and submit your news for next week! Michigan State Waterski helps bridge NCWSA with […]
Author: Molly Voska
NCWSA Secretary | Marketing Chairwoman since spring 2017 | 2022 TL Cornfest Corn Queen | Alumna & former social director of Western Michigan Waterski | #TeamMidwest

Marketing Mondays with Molly: Social Media Marketing
Social Media for Collegiate Water Ski Teams Social media is a great way to stay connected to students and alumni. Nearly ¾ of Millennials (ages 19-32) are more influenced in their buying decisions by social media recommendations than TV ads (WebMarketingPros, 2016) Teams should be active on social media year round, keeping with their professional […]

Marketing Mondays with Molly: General Team Marketing Tips
NCWSA General Team Marketing Tips With GoPro’s, waterproof mobile phones, and drone technology, our sport is more visible than ever. We can finally show the world our amateur gnarly crashes, and amazing friendships built on boats. To grow the sport and grow your team, we want to make sure we are reaching the right audience, […]
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